High end reception desk

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A high-end reception desk can be expensive, but you don’t have to break the bank to get one. These pieces can range from a few hundred dollars to over twenty thousand dollars. There are a variety of features that you can choose from when buying one, from a curved transaction counter to a double pedestal file. The Safco Sorrento is a great example of a high-end reception desk with a wide variety of features and a reasonable price tag. It comes in two finishes, espresso, and bourbon cherry. The OTG SL7130RDS has matching filing and storage options.

High end reception desk
image source :decoratorist.com

It is important to consider the materials used

When purchasing a reception desk, it is important to consider the materials used. The most common materials used to build reception desks are plywood, laminate, metal, and wood. Using a combination of these materials allows you to create infinite combinations of shelving and drawers. You can even purchase a separate hutch for additional storage space. However, this will increase the cost of the unit. Choosing the material is a very personal decision that you should do if you want to get the most out of it.

image source : gojo-furniture.com

Make sure the material is of the highest quality possible

While the price of a high-end reception desk can be prohibitively high, quality is very important. Using high-quality materials ensures that your new desk will be functional for many years to come. Make sure the material is of the highest quality possible. When buying a reception desk, you don’t want to skimp on durability, because you might end up replacing it several times. The high-end wood reception desks can be quite heavy.

image source :beautisign.blogspot.com

Will help to create a welcoming atmosphere in your office

A modern reception desk will help to create a welcoming atmosphere in your office. A modern reception desk can blend in perfectly with any decor. For the most part, they are an important piece of furniture for any business. With the right style and material, a reception desk can fit in with any decor. A high-end reception desk can cost more than $20,000 but it will make a great impact on your office. A high-end desk can make your customers and employees happy and satisfied.

image source :beautisign.blogspot.com
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