How to keep bugs away from porch light

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How to keep bugs away from porch light, Adding yellow LED lights to your porch

There are a number of different ways to keep insects away from your porch light. Obviously, you want to ensure the safety of your home and family, but you also want to avoid attracting insects. To prevent this, you should turn off any lights that are unnecessary and leave only the ones that are necessary. Adding yellow LED lights to your porch is the best way to attract fewer bugs. It’s also important to remember that yellow and red color spectrums are less appealing to insects than blue and white.

How to keep bugs away from porch light, Adding yellow LED lights to your porch
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How to keep bugs away from porch light, Purchasing citronella candles

Purchasing citronella candles is another excellent option. These products contain fragrant oils that will deter insects from landing in the light. Place them under your porch light to ensure that the fragrance of the candle is effective. By using these methods together, you’ll be able to keep pesky flying insects away. And remember to use a bug repellent spray on your furniture to prevent itchiness. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep bugs away from porch lights.

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How to keep bugs away from porch light, setting out fragrant candles

Aside from setting out fragrant candles, you can also try a bug zapper. These bug zappers work by attracting bugs and electrocuting them instantly. While the bugs won’t necessarily be able to resist a zapper, placing it close to the porch light’s ceiling may eliminate a great deal of insects. By using these products, you can ensure the safety and security of your family.

While the above-mentioned steps can keep insects at bay, it’s still a good idea to keep your porch light as bright as possible. Keeping the insects outside of the light is a better solution than shutting it down, as it defeats the purpose of the light. Fortunately, there are a number of solutions available, and combining these methods can solve your flying insect problem.

Besides lighting your porch with a citronella candle, you can also buy citronella-based LED candles. These are effective at attracting bugs because they give off a lemony scent. These are relatively cheap, but they will last for a few months if you don’t replace them often. A simple candle holder may be sufficient. Alternatively, you can purchase a citronella-infused LED lamp.

Another way to keep bugs away from porch light is to burn a citronella candle. These are a good way to ward off unwanted visitors. While citronella candles do not repel bugs, they will help to keep them at bay. They will repel mosquitoes, so the best way to keep bugs out of your porch is to use one that emits a citronella-based candle.

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